Sunday, 29 September 2013


My favourite kind of blog is a blog that has anything to do with stationary, planning, organizing, or anything else on that plane. I figured it was only right for me to share that aspect of my life in the blogosphere, too!
I usually sit down once a week to go through the next weeks planning, whether that be meals, work events, meetings, really anything - this is the time it gets added. I will add things along the way directly in or with sticky notes just so I can stay on top of things and make sure I don't lose any dates. I am, however, a very particular person. I like my planner to be as organized as possible, so keeping it pretty is also a priority.

Things I need while planning:

  • Pens and makers! I haven't found the perfect ones yet, but anything colourful and fine point works. (I can't stand writing with thick ball point pens)
  • Sticky notes! I love me some colour, plus this is so useful for things that may need to move around or you really need to stand out.
  • My mini clipboard - this is great for all my little note pads and home-made printables (which will be uploaded on here soon)
  • Washi tape! My collection is much smaller than a lot of people's, which I deeply envy, but I love it none the less!
  • Inspiration - I usually bring along pretty past week layouts, organized magazines, or my iPad full of saved instagram and pinterest posts!

I usually go as far ahead with major things like deadlines or days off, but I tend to stay as close to today as I can with things that can be moved around. If they are prone to movement I just leave them as sticky notes until I can finalize them!

For me, planning is therapeutic. Yesterday, I sat in front of my panoramic view and enjoyed the beach sunset as I got ready to start a new week.

On the planner addicts facebook page, I asked for any recommendations for other stationary, planning and organizing blogs. I haven't included all of the planner addicts group members who blog, but if anyone out there isn't a member of the group and wants to know - feel free to let me know! So, after much suggestion, here is the list!!
  1. IheartOrganizing
  2. A Bowl Full of Lemons
  3. Philofaxy
  4. My Purpley Life
  5. Simply Organized
  6. Does This Pen Write
  7. Plannerisms
  8. Paper Pens Ink
  9. Decluttered Mama
  10. What I Do All Day
  11. Inside the Crafters Studio
  12. Innocent & Twisted
  13. Paper Lovestory
  14. School Supply Dance
  15. She's Eclectic
  16. Musings of a Caribbean Princess
  17. Label Me Organized
  18. Dragonfly Keep
  19. Organizing Junkie
  21. Organized Like Jen
  22. The Complete Guide to Imperfect Homemaking

Please comment more suggestions, or your planning rituals. I am always looking for more suggestions!

<3 b


  1. Thanks for including my blog! I love your personalized planner cover, so cute :)

  2. Thanks for the links! Any ideas what happens to Organize like Jen blog?

    1. Ahh I fixed it, how embarrassing I got the link to one of my favourite blogs wrong. That's what happens when you rely on bloglovin' hahaha
